Our Services
Marketing research
We offer our clients a thorough marketing research service. It means that we, through our net work of consultants – correspondents, conduct all the surveys, questionnaires and other marketing research tools in order to provide this service for our client. Knowledge of the local people able to do the research is the key.
Project managment
Project management is the discipline of defining and achieving targets while optimizing the use of resources (time, money, people, space, etc). We offer our clients the planning, scheduling and maintaining the progress of the activities that comprise their project. We can also provide our client with the business plan that he/she would need in the whole process.
This means that we delegate the tasks or jobs from internal production to an external entity (such as a subcontractor). Most importantly, it has come to mean the elimination of native staff to staff overseas or abroad, where salaries are markedly lower. We provide our clients with both workforce and know-how abroad where both of them are much cheaper.
Assistance in making business deals
Wellmade Ltd is also specialized as middlemen in connecting business people over the world. We often know the seller and have his offer and then find the buyer for a certain commission. Also, we usually act as a mediator in different concluding different business deals.